Getting Started with Matrox IrisGTR and DA X Troubleshooting

February 14, 2019

Copyright© 2007-2019 by Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd. All rights reserved.


Table of Contents

Matrox Iris GTR Initial Bring up. 1

Grabbing your first image. 1

Network settings. 2

Running the Profiler tool and accessing the GTR’s Desktop. 2

PLC Communication. 3

Connecting from the Design Assistant IDE. 4

Remote Access to GTR. 4

Matrox Iris GTR Limitations. 4

GTR Troubleshooting. 4

Industrial Communication Verifications. 8

Check if Protocol Enabled. 8

Verify Data Tables. 8

Check if Waiting on QuickComm handshake. 8

Custom steps on the GTR. 9



Matrox Iris GTR Initial Bring up

The following is the recommended smoothest path to get started with your Matrox Iris GTR (GTR).  

If you have access to the internet, the Vision Academy has additional videos.

Grabbing your first image

a)       Use the document “IrisGTR.pdf” Matrox Iris GTR with Design Assistant - Installation and Technical Reference to prepare power supply, cabling and lensing for your GTR.

b)       OPTION DIRECT.  Connect a display monitor, USB keyboard and mouse to the GTR’s USB/VGA cable.  The desktop should display the Matrox Design Assistant portal page

c)       Under the View tab is the View utility which lets you grab continuously or one image at a time and to save files either sequence numbered or time-stamped.

d)       OPTION REMOTE.  Configure the network settings as described below and launch the View Utility from the Portal Pages viewed in a browser on another system on the network.

Network settings

a)       the camera ships in DHCP mode – If you need to change to static IP, to allow using the camera plugged directly into your laptop, or plugged into a vision network that uses static addressing, there are two options:

a.       Option 1: On the system where you installed DesignAssistant, click the MilControlCenter desktop icon.  Click Design Assistant X Tools.  Run the IrisGTRDiscovery tool.  It will detect Matrox Iris GTR cameras on the same subnet, and allow you to modify their communication settings. This utility uses the MAC address of the camera which is found on a sticker on the camera body.

b.       Option 2. Connect as described in Option DIRECT above. On the GTR’s desktop, top right corner will display the current network address. Use the TCP/IP portal page accessible from the Gear/Settings symbol.  Restarting the camera after making the change is a good idea (Power symbol)


Running the Profiler tool and accessing the GTR’s Desktop

To run the performance Profiler tool you must access the GTR’s desktop and run the MilConfig utility. 

a)       Access the desktop remotely using a VNC client (password Matrox) or directly by connecting a keyboard, mouse and monitor to the GTR’s VGA/USB cable.

b)       Click Activities to get the Milconfig icon,

c)        Navigate to the Communications pages and enable the required industrial protocol.

PLC Communication

d)       If the GTR is going to be connected to a PLC using EtherNet/IP, PROFINET or MODBUS it is necessary to enable an instance of the protocol. The Portal pages Administration Settings (Gear) button, go to the Communication tab, and Enable the required protocol.  (This is an important change from earlier versions of Design Assistant, as it is no longer necessary to access Milconfig on the GTR’s desktop to configure communications). 


e)       You must also set the size of the EtherNet/IP communication data blocks if the 64 byte default is not suitable for your ladder logic.  Similarly the Modbus master/slave, TCP/RTU modes are specified.


f)         EtherNet/IP -  the GTR expects the Assembly Ids to be 110 and 111

PRODUCER = "110";

CONSUMER = "111";

Connecting from the Design Assistant IDE

a)       Install the Matrox Design Assistant IDE software on your development laptop or PC, making sure to verify the Minimum Requirements and other instructions in the Readme document.

b)       Connecting from DA X – select Connect remote from the Platform or Actions menu – The platform name can be in the form GTR320xxx or an IP address

c)       If the version of Design Assistant on the IDE and runtime platform are not the same, the connection will not be made.  Refer to the IrisGTR Upgrade Procedures documentation for further information about installing a different version of camera software and when necessary, upgrading the camera’s BIOS.

Remote Access to GTR

The Portal Pages of the GTR are accessible using your computer’s browser, and the URL http://gtr320xxx or http://IPAddressOfTheGTR.  This allows you to grab images, start and stop deployed projects, view information about the unit, enable and configure industrial communication protocols, acquire additional MIL runtime licenses, etc.

The only regular administration activities you cannot do through the browser, and for which you must access the  MilConfig application on the desktop, is running the Matrox Profiler to get detailed timing analysis of your application.

The GTR has a VNC server which allows a VNC client, such as UltraVNC, to access its desktop remotely.  Connecting from a VNC client– you will be prompted for a password, enter Matrox

Matrox Iris GTR Limitations

The principal limitations are listed in the Readme document.

Also refer to the troubleshooting table below.

GTR Troubleshooting


The table contains some situations that might arise.  There are more detailed descriptions of the recommended actions below.  If you need to contact technical support, please generate the necessary log file, sysinfo.txt, and include it in the support request.  When working with an Iris GTR camera, access the Portal pages as described above. Use Settings button, Troubleshooting tab, and Generate a troubleshooting log.


Alternately, on the computer you have Design Assistant installed on, run Milconfig Troubleshooting, Generate log, and it will pull the necessary logs from the GTR if it is accessible on the network and the DA Agent is running on the camera..





Problem connecting DA to GTR

Problem connecting to the runtime platform 'gtr3200e2'.

The platform 'gtr3200e2' is not reachable on the network (ping fails). This can sometimes be caused by incorrect network settings. You can try modifying these settings and reconnecting.


Use the IrisGTRDiscovery tool or check top right corner of GTR desktop to verify network name and IP address

If desktop is  not available, use MIOS command line ifconfig


Are the PC and the GTR in the same subnet, verify masks are the same.


If using static addressing, is there a conflict of two devices with the same address


Problem connecting DA to GTR

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

Ping is successful

Generate Logs (is daagent running?)


Problem connecting to the runtime platform ‘gtr...’

Ping is successful

Generate Logs (is daagent running?)

Operator view

Insufficient websockets

Internet Explorer 11

Accept to modify the registry entry that extends the limit on the number of websockets

Operator View

No acknowledge

Internet Explorer 11

Verify that your Internet Explorer meets minimum requirements as described in the Readme

Windows 10 - Operator View

Edge browser is opened instead of Internet Explorer


Internet Explorer 11 is “hidden” –open the menu in Edge, click on the ellipses ( ... ) in the top right corner and select Open in Internet Explorer.


OperatorView empty

Waiting to connect may take minutes

Project uses industrial communication protocols (with or without QuickComm)

Check in Portal Pages or Milconfig whether the protocol is Enabled – and the Instance specified in the project’s Platform Configuration is Ready.  If not, the project will fail at initialization



Too long stopping currently running project



NetworkConnection step

TCP connect cannot be established

Listening on a non-default port

May need to change firewall settings


Cannot establish connection from VNC client to GTR


DHCP addressing

Correct, case sensitive password:Matrox


Less likely, command line verify if the vnc server is running (if no gateway specified vnc server may not start)

Files not found on GTR


Image sets, LoadImageStep, Load calibration from file

The Matrox Imaging OS on the IrisGTR is case sensitive, unlike Microsoft Windows systems.  If you have difficulty with a project accessing certain files, carefully verify the case

Image files not found

Could not access '/home/mtxuser/Documents/Matrox Design Assistant/Images/B' “

Using Recipes or using a DA Template Project

Verify if the Image set setting “Append recipe subfolder” is checked – in that case images belonging to different recipes must be in separate folders.


Check that all subfolders have their images – if you selected “Copy images to runtime platform” option when deploying only the images of the current recipe are copied.


The others must be copied using file explorer.  If copying from PC to Iris GTR – instead of  “/home/mtxuser/” substitute \\GTR320xxx\mtxuser


Note that mtxuser and userdisk folders map to the same place, userdisk being provided for backward compatibility with Iris GT projects.

Bead Analysis step

Images don’t zoom using mouse scroll wheel


This is a limitation of this step, only toolbar zoom buttons are used

Design Assistant crashed

Unexpected exception at design time or hang at runtime


Generate troubleshooting log as described earlier.


Send the resulting sysinfo.txt file with your request for technical support.

Industrial Communication Verifications

Check if Protocol Enabled

In Design Time the information is available in the Communication Menu.  It is good to be in the habit of checking here before deploying.

At runtime, you may see a message like An error occurred when trying to allocate EtherNet/IP protocol. : EtherNet/IP is not enabled in MILConfig.”, otherwise you need to verify in the platform’s MILConfig or Portal Administration Communication pages to see if the protocol instance is enabled and is running.

Verify Data Tables

Use the appropriate Portal Page to monitor the communication tables.

Check if Waiting on QuickComm handshake

In DesignTime there will be a blinking symbol, and you can skip out of the wait

In Runtime – there will be a blinking notification bar at the top of the operator view page.

Prevention- if you know the PLC may not be present, set communication to “Offline” – either in design time in the menu shown above, or via buttons added to the Operator View that use the Communication Settings actions.

Custom steps on the GTR

Refer to the Introduction to Matrox Design Assistant Custom Steps pdf accessible from the Quick Start